
#UpForSchool – Signature Campaign

Instructions for filling out signature forms

1. The head of the institution/department has to sign authorizing the authenticity of the signatures and agreement to be a part of this campaign this is on the invitation letter and summary sheet form.

2. In order for the signature to be counted, we need ALL the following details: first name, last name, village, as well as the signature. If someone is unable to sign then a thumb impression would be valid.

3. If you have more than one branch/department, then please attach a summary sheet of all branches/departments on the top so that we can easily count the number of signatures from each sheet.

Incentives for organizations collecting signatures

1) Certificate for 1,000 signatures (signed by Sarah Brown and Baela Reza Jamil)
2) Name on the RTE website for 2,500 signatures
3) Logo on the RTE website for 5,000 signatures
4) Flag / Souvenir for 20,000 signatures from the Up4School Campaign

To maximize impact over the next several hundred days, young leaders have launched a global call to action – the #UpForSchool petition – to demonstrate unprecedented public support for education. The call will alert Presidents, Prime Ministers, Finance and Education Ministers, donor agencies and parliaments to the new sense of urgency called for by youth themselves. Youth participants will endorse the Education Countdown advocacy roadmap ( as the unifying set of actions to end the exploitation of children and provide universal opportunity through education.

This signature campaign has been launched at the UpForSchools Rally. To stay up to date with the #UpForSchools rally details and following events, please visit:

Champions Signing UpForSchool Petition