
Education Law Centres

Education Law Centre (ELC) Newark NJ

Founded in 1973, the Education Law Center (ELC) serves as the leading voice for New Jersey’s public school children and has become one of the most effective advocates for equal educational opportunity and education justice in the United States. Widely recognized for groundbreaking court rulings on behalf of at-risk students, ELC also promotes educational equity through coalition building, litigation support, policy development, communications, and action-focused research in New Jersey, in other states, and at the federal level.

ELC’s legal and policy advocacy, which includes such landmark rulings as Abbott v. Burke, has significantly advanced the provision of fair school funding, high quality early education, safe and adequate school facilities, and school reform, especially to schools serving high concentrations of at-risk students and students with disabilities and other special needs. These successes have, in turn, resulted in strong academic gains and progress in closing student achievement gaps in New Jersey. (Read more on: Education Law Centre: 60 Park Place, Newark NJ 07102;

Education Law Centre of Pennsylvania

Since 1975, the Education Law Center of Pennsylvania (ELC) has worked to make good public education a reality for Pennsylvania’s most vulnerable children – poor children, children of color, children with disabilities, English language learners, children in foster homes and institutions, and others.

Strategies include not only “traditional” legal work, but also training and information-sharing; advocating for new laws and policies in Harrisburg and Washington; and working with organizations and media. (Read more on: )

Equal Education, South Africa

Equal Education is a community and membership-based organisation. It advocates for quality and equality in the South African education system and engages in evidence-based activism for improving the nation’s schools. It is a leader in youth leadership development. EE’s campaigns, based on detailed research and policy analysis, are aimed at achieving quality education for all. (Read more on: )