





Latest Blogs

  The 23rd Prime Minister of Pakistan almost missed out on mentioning education in his maiden speech given his compelling […]

The right to education was declared a fundamental right in 2010 with the insertion of Article 25A in the Constitution […]

International Literacy Day 2019

Ms. Sajida is a very worried teacher of grade 10, as is her colleague Ms. Najma teaching grade 8 at […]

Zara is 9 years old; she remains confused about learning after a tough four years in school without really understanding […]

Author: Sikander Bizenjo In the realm of education, you always hear the phrase “Article 25-A”, an article within the constitution […]



News & Updates

Minister says govt committed to investing more funds in education

Civil society emphasizes concrete actions to ensure the implementation of the right to education for all   Lahore   –  Centre […]

The Express Tribune

Wani’s motto for G-B is that all children should be in school, which is reflected in the increase in school […]

Great news! The @UN#SecurityCouncil adopted Resolution 2601 (2021)

Great news! The @UN#SecurityCouncil adopted Resolution 2601 (2021) the 1st uniquely dedicated to the protection of classrooms & schools, urging […]

Published in Dawn, December 18th, 2019 LAHORE: Participants in a consultation by civil society demanded on Tuesday that education leaders […]

ITA Holds Consultation Regarding Implementation Of PFCE Act 2014

Published in Urdu Point: Idara-e-Taleem-o-Aagahi (ITA), in collaboration with Oxfam Pakistan, United Nations Democracy Fund (UNDEF) and Foundation Open Society […]





AwazCDS-Pakistan is delighted to share the outcome of our 5 years struggle to get the Punjab Free and Compulsory Education Act 2014 notified; which was at halt since 2014 due to numerous reasons and self-interests of various stakeholders inside or outside the parliament and PUNJAB education department. Now, the law has been enforced and gazette notification has been issued on October 24,2022. We are very satisfied and contented today that we contributed a bit in supporting girls education agenda in Pakistan. Now, the struggle is still ON and we need to do further advocacy on its implementation. More power to each of you who is struggling to make this dream a reality for every girl!