EYA of the Month
Girls’ RisingThrough Education
To celebrate, acknowledge, appreciate and empower women; and to spread a message that girl’s rights are human rights, Idara-e-Taleem-o-Aagahi (ITA) has conducted a campaign for all i.e. Girls’ Rising through Education. Being an Education Youth Ambassador, I conducted a capacity building activity at a local community school. Aim of this activity was to reach out to potential opinion multipliers and prompt them to think critically about girl’s education.
Despite the fact that students were engaged for exam preparation, the principal of the schoolpreferred to let his students learn about the urgency of equal access to education and quality learning among girls and boys in order to help girls rise.
The prudent participation of the students was appreciable. They affirmed that education is one of the most critical areas of empowerment for women. One of the participant asserted that one should avoid reproducing gender stereotypes. An educated woman has the skills, information and self-confidence that she needs to be a better parent, worker and citizen.Students further emphasised that the conservative culture has promoted the societal discrimination. The idea of girl’s education is misinterpreted very often. However, adherence to respect for diversity, ideas of perseverance, coexistence, and tolerance can be inculcated in the minds of the youth only by educating girls.
Girls are the real gate keepers of the society because they are the ones who are shaping future generations and greatly influence the lives of their students in one way or the other.Hence I concluded the activity session by elaborating that no system is considered to be perfect although it is a nation’s responsibility is to struggle for a flawless system which can be formed through educating girls.
Anam Fatima (EYA)
Education Youth Ambassador, Islamabad